Thursday, 20 December 2018

Create a canvas app from excel in powerApps

Today, I will be discussing about how to generate a canvas app from excel table in PowerApps.

Lets say we have scenario where we want to show list of volunteers. For this purpose we need to file create a excel file and the data will be format as table in excel. For further details of format a table in excel - Format a table

1) Create a excel file with following columns and format it as table. Store this file on cloud storage in my case i have saved it on google drive.

2) Sign in on PowerApps

3) Click on start from blank

4) Click on new connections and select your cloud storage account. Login on it.

5) Select excel sheet. In my case its with volunteers name and click on connect button.

6) Create view screen. Click on new screen drop down and select list template. It will auto populate all fields.
Following changes it made on view screen.
- Change text of table2 to Volunteers
-  I set fields accurately on browser screen.

7) Go details screen. Changed its label and drag and drop fields up and down.

8) Go to edit screen. Changed its label.

Demo of application click on F5 or preview the app button. Click on Add button (+).
Browser screen
Add information in field and save data.

Delete a record by clicking on delete button.

You can verify your data in excel which is upload on drive. After performing CRUD operations. It will show you updated results.


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