Friday 5 April 2019

Clear usage data in D365 Finance and Operations

Today I will be discussing about one of the common issue which you might have encountered at a time of executing batch job for second time.

For instance I was executing a job for first time and  have selected few parameter. At a code level I have set by default the value of batch job processing field to Yes.
However, before executing for second time I did modification in code and setting the batch processing field value to No . So now I was executing same batch job for second time but it batch processing field value was still Yes and due to this reason it was added in batch.

So, in order to reset or get latest code impact after build I need to reset usage data of that particular user.

Following are the steps required to reset usage data.

1- Open Chrome/IE browser.

2-  Click on setting in right most corner and select User options.

3- Click on Usage data button.

4-  Click on Reset button available in bottom. It will clear the usage data of specific or currently login user.

That's it and your usage data will be reset :)

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